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3 Of The Biggest Mistakes Equine Owners Make With Their Horse Fencing

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The horses that you have on your property may be an incredible joy to have around, but without the appropriate enclosure, they can also be a nightmare to contain. Even though hiring a professional fence contractor is the ideal way to go to make sure that you have horse fencing in place that is both effective and attractive, it is not uncommon for equine owners to try to take matters into their own hands. This may be a good way to save money, but it is also easy to make mistakes during DIY horse fencing installation. Here are three of the biggest mistakes that you should avoid if you decide to install your own containment.

Mistake: Not taking your horse's behavior into consideration before selecting materials.

Why? Every horse has its own personality, which is something that has to be kept in mind when you are investing in fencing materials. Some horses are aggressive and will likely make it out of just about anything, in which case, simple enclosures will not fare well. Some horses love to wallow against and scratch themselves on any type of wood, which can be a big issue if you have wooden fencing. You have to know your horses well to obtain the best type of fencing to keep them contained.

Mistake: Improperly installing gates in the wrong places.

Why? Installing a gate in the wrong place within an enclosure will lead you to a lot of aggravation when it comes to getting into your horses. You have to make sure that you have an ample amount of space for the gate to open, which is one aspect that is easy to forget.

Mistake: Not getting the land surveyed in advance or consulting the deed.

Why? You may be thinking that it is just a fence, and even if you went a few inches over a property line, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. However, fencing in property that is not your own could turn even the kindest neighbor against you. It is always best to know exactly where your border is on your property and be aware of any property surrounding the fenced area that is not your own.

When it comes down to it, creating the most adequate containment for your horses is easily one of the most important aspects of providing quality care. It is always well worth checking with a professional fencing contractor to at the least get advice about installing a fence before you try tackling the job on your own. You may even find that hiring a professional to take care of the fence installation for you is a more feasible option. For more information, contact Rapasadi Fence or a similar company.
